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Friday, December 30, 2011

knowledge grows everywhere .

assalamualaikum readers . :)
may you are in the pink of health .

i noticed that i've wrote more post than before . hehe . anyway , may my post bring benefit .

last night , i watched 3 IDIOTS . personally , i agree with ANWAR HADI . 3 IDIOTS is the invention of the decade . do watch it and don't miss the great learning .

knowledge grows everywhere !

i've just blogwalking just now and subhanallah , i got new knowledge and experiences that the other bloggers share . awesome ! subhanallah . they seriously open my eyes . they just know each other online but yet they create GREAT UKHWAH !! keep supporting each other and sharing for good and .. and ..

this is the new world for me . i've owned another blog before but this experience and feeling were totally different . 0o ALLAH , alhamdulillah . alhamdulillah . alhamdulillah .

may i've strength like them . constantly sharing for good . inshaALLAH .

bila kau sedar hidup , mati , dan segalanya hanya untuk ALLAH . bila kau sedar kerjaya sehebat mana pun tak akan bawa kau ke syurga . bila kau sedar wang berjuta tidak boleh membeli tiket ke syurga . bila kau sedar kekasih sehensem mana tak dijamin menjadi teman ke syurga . bila kau sedar ... 

( ya ALLAH , tetapkan kesedaran dihati . teguhkan rasa kehambaan di jiwa )

sahaja aku _____________ kerana ALLAH swt .

hamba kerdil hina dan dhaif ,
farah izzati .

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