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Sunday, December 25, 2011

i was stunned . :(

assalamualaikum readers . once again , thank you for spending your time to visit my page .

today , i would like to share with you about something that make me stunned and sometimes feel like depressed . i shouldn't . T.T

i was viewing my friends' status as appeared in facebook's home . and suddenly , i saw this :

"awak....laen kali bile kuar ngan sayer jgn pkai slipar jpun yerr...bkn ape...slipar 2 xsesuai sgt lr ngn awk...laen kli jgn buad lg yerr?...#hopefully#

#senyumxtakperlukataapa-apa" -anonymous 

and it made me shout : oh , what ?? and gave me the idea to make a status :


girl : asal pakai baju besar gedabak-dabak ni ? malu laa . burukk . T.T jalan jauh2 siket .

boy : asal pakai baju kecik ketat gelemat ni ? tak malu ke ? pergi nyorok2 nuh . T.T

*biar buruk kat mata manusia . jangan buruk kat mata ALLAH . muslim , kalo ada jumpa girl macam tu , tak payah buat kawan laa. T.T

i just feel like dissappointed as she's a friend from my school . an ISLAMIC school . then , i tried to think . maybe she's talking about a girl . or a boy ?

let us make two conclusion ;

1 . if she's talking about a girl , then she's very good as she had the gut to admonish her friend that show her aurat that is strictly banned in ISLAM . then , BRAVO FOR HER .

2 . if she's talking about a boy , then that's not very good . firstly , because she went out with a stranger ( not her mahram ) . secondly , as she damned her friend that wearing a pair of selipar jepun . very unwise ! she damned about the boy's fashion while she's not actually covering her aurat properly .

i'm not punishing the girl . i don't even know the real story . i just saw her status . let us just make it as a lesson . FOR US ! what ever the real story is , may this sharing beneficial .  

yang dah lenguh jari ,
farah izzati .

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