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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Letter to Future Farah,

Dear Future Farah,

I'm Farah from the past. How are you doing? I hope you're in the best of you. I don't really have reason writing this for you, I just that I have sudden urge to write.

Dear Future Farah,

Obviously I love you. I'm you, and you're me. Thus, I always hope the best for you. I hope you always realize and remember that everything comes from Allah. Every good or bad thing. Every what you love, and what you hate. Every what you're hoping for, and every what you're denying. Thus dear Future Farah, always go for Him. Always. I mean always. Don't you ever dare doing something, without even remember Him. Why? Because He is Allah, He is the one who created you. He is the one cares about you. He is the one who loves you, regardless whatever sin you've done. He always give you chance.

Dear Future Farah,

Don't ever feel despair in finding Him. Don't ever step away from His blessing. Whenever you find yourself stepping away, go to Him right away! Run! The best speed you can go, find Him. Go back to Him. Because the happiness you're in when you're far from Him, is never called happiness.

Dear Future Farah,
I'm sorry if me as your past, have made it difficult for you to repent. I'm sorry for all the faults I've done. But please, use the chance of repentance He gave.


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